Welcome to the last semester we are working on this film. It is getting very real! Witht hat in mind, we had the thought: what does this film even look like? So me and the team have agreed to take one shot to full render. This includes updated textures, lighting, assets, and anything that isn't already in that shot. This is going to help us with our workflow and figure out our schedule.
So we all assigned each other tasks and we had them due at the beginning of the week.
On Monday we worked with what he had finished and Bianca had put them together.
I was assigned the ground plane, which I took into ZBrush and gave it more texture and ran it through Subtance Painter for textures. I think it needs more iterations but it is completely usable now!
With that being said, after finishing this shot we have come together to assess how we are going forward with this film and attacking what is going to be the hardest first, so if we deal with any issues we know how to move forward.
One important task we tackled was animation style. I ran a quick test to see if animation on 12 fps would translate better.
The first is the original animation on 24 FPS:
The second is the animation on 12 FPS:
After showing the test to Brett and the team we have agreed to move forward with 12 FPS. We all agree that it will help push the style much more and have a more "hands-on" look. We also plan to have 2D overlays which I also believe this animation style will help push that look.
The next thing we discussed was what order we need to work on this on film. We were planning on going scene by scene, then we realized we have some scenes that has much more importance and need more work done before even looking at the other scenes.
The idea is also that with the more compliated scenes we will run into issues faster and solve them faster so if they appear again in the less complicated scenes, we are prepared.
Our plan offically is to attack scenes 6 and 2 first. Both these scenes deal with the kites and the field. Scene 6 is specifically the fight scene. One important thing we are revising is making a much bigger emphasis on the kites. So we are basically going to have to choreograph these scenes and make them beautiful. We want parallels between each scene. We haven't found many references but I do think Rio and Rio 2 are good for grandiose in sky scenes.
One other very important thing is side characters. We have been neglecting this for a while but we came to a consensis today. We are going to just make the characters from taking the main characters base mesh and manipulating it into new characters. We will give these background characters very basic rigs and also using blinn shapes for facial expressions instead of a fully made rig.
Aelma and I are taking on these models and quickly designing characters. We have decided to make 4 new characters not including the main character's little brother.
These are quick concepts made to show potential "boy" characters.
We are heading into this full speed and everyone has been doing good with showing up and bringing what they need to the table to get it done.